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Old 05-07-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Which OS are you switching from for the EVO?

Originally Posted by Rose4uKY View Post
Ok I have a couple questions! I have the Touch Pro 2. It was my 1st smart phone ever. I had problems with it and had to hard reset it 2 or 3 times with Win Mo 6.1. All of a sudden it would lag and be so slow and Touch Flo 3D wouldn't load. Then 6.5 came out and all was great until a week or so ago same thing happend I had tyo hard reset. Don't know if it had to do with something I installed on the phone or what.

Well Now all I've been doing for the past few days is reading up on the EVO and watching videos. I know my phone now is HTC and I don't think I'll have a problem adjusting to the EVO and Android at least i Hope not. And my main concern is I text and email alot. I love the touch Pro 2's keyboard yes I love having a phsyical keyboard. I've been trying to practice now with the onscreeen one which I know will be bigger on the EVO. Someone mentioned with Swipe it makes it so much easier what is that? I guess I can Google it. Also is there more Android Apps put there then Win Mo? I have a Sirius App and really hope Android has one. And I know nothiong about Android verses Win Mo but I do know I have my Touch Pro 2 just the way I like it with different cab files I have installed and I have a cool see through clock. Will I be able to like download another clock on the Android like I did for my Touch Pro 2? I need to read up more on Android and check out there Apps store? Is it online to look at?

My upgrade is due in June and I am switching to the EVO. Me and my friend who has the BB Tour are both so excited and can't wait for it to come out.. And I've seen so many videos it looks awesome and I am excited about trying the Android. My coworker has a Droid and likes it a lot.
Personally I love my tp2 keyboard as well but oh well evo here I come. But one thing that should help you out quite a bit it that the android OS has speech to text built in, so just hit the little icon thing on the keyboard then speak and thats it. Just go to youtube and you can see how its done, very easy IMO.

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