Originally Posted by apaquette0069
I have been getting SOD pretty much every time i hit the screen on button, all i have to do is wait a couple seconds and the screen will fire up, about 3 to 4 seconds, other times i have to wait and hit the button again and it will delay for again 3 to 4 seconds!!!
Are other ppl having any problems like this? or are experiencing any SOD problems with Energy.RHODCDMA.23568.Sense2.5.Cookie.HomeTab.May. 04.7z??
I remember NRG posting a question about it on his tweeter page, he said he tried something new to try to get rid of the SOD problem, I m thinking that whatever was done has made it worse for me because on all the roms before this last one I never had any SOD problems!!!!
I too am having issues with the May 4th 23568 cookie Rom, many times Sense does not load up properly and I am left with a blank homescreen aside from the Action & Menu buttons at the bottom...Additionally, I have been noticing some strange things happening with some tried and true programs that have worked on every other NRGZ rom to date...Not complaining in the least as I LOVE the ROM but "Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K"