Originally Posted by stas333
that has worked. but another problem came up yesterday. almost everytime i do a soft reset, my main storage card gets renames as sc2 while a fake one is named sc. i have done all the pull the card, deleter tricks. is there a way to make get this to work properly?
other than that this room works great, very fast. but i think u can still make it light. all the opriginal ring tones can be deleted, google maps, and games. all of those things can be found as a cab, so the user can install it if he/she wants to
stas333, do you use exchange? I had that same problem yesterday...not on this rom, on mighty SE, but i found that it was because of exchange, i save my attachments on my sd. so i deleted the sc2, took out my sc, reinstalled, also made sure the check box was off in the settings, then SR. then went back in and checked the box again for attachments to the sc. seemed to clear it up and now only have the one sc with the mail attachments saving to there. don't know if that's your case but thought i would share.