Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
The next V7 rom will not get any better than what you (Sprint) have. Hard to get better than that. LOL. What will be different is the build (23563 for now) will be higher and and new oem's. The next release is for the other TP2 owers on different carrier's. I want to bring them to the level of the V7 Sprint rom. After I get that done, than I can start making an around better rom. It's been hard for me not to just stay with the Sprint V7 rom only and forget about the carrier's. But member's like Suntopper, Hunter 7773 and a few other's have been with me since I started.
Thanks to all for your support.
yep been here and always will. ur roms r best by far, just sittin here twidling my thumbs lol, waitin for u to get v7 28xxx the way u want it.