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Old 05-05-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: EVO Release Date Speculation Thread!

Originally Posted by ajac
lol well I dunno after the wifes pre and its horrible build quality last year.. and plus I dunno... samsung galaxy S is calling my name awfully loud and all.. I am 90% sold on evo now..... but if I get one means me and the wife will have the same phone and thats a big no no
But I thought the Galaxy S was an GPRS and EDGE phone?!

Originally Posted by rainfreak
I fail to see how Oprah can do better than a commercial for sales of a phone. Of course maybe, just maybe, that is because I despise Oprah and her very existance.
Truthfully, I don't like Oprah either.......but when it comes to advertising she's kinda like AMG (All Mighty Google), anything she touches seems to prosper! Now I would have loved to join Riley, Ed and Rummy on their mission to nab Oprah...........but she is of good use because she can promote this thing to take over the world......because we all know Sprint won't!

Originally Posted by cornelious2
its actually a 2 year contract, but you can sign it every year just making sure people realize that they have 2 years to go when they upgrade they just can upgrade every year for the full rate.
So basically what you're saying is I actually sign a 2 ear contract with Sprint .......but if another phone comes out next year that I want I can upgrade and get another $150 off......while I'm still in the same 2 year contract?!

If I upgrade again will it tag on more years or it will still be just the 2 years?!?!?!?!
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