Originally Posted by peterm20
Side note: You got a TP2? Why not a Hero or moment? Well at least they will have someone skilled with android to help the rhod development.
I've got the SERO plan, which they don't allow you to activate an Android phone on. That's why I didn't upgrade to the Hero or the Moment.
And I got a cheap upgrade from insurance, due to some issues I was having with my TP. That's why I upgraded at all.
Originally Posted by rev800x
Anybody having issues getting Windows XP to see the phone via USB? I'm trying to install some programs but it won't see the device. And yes I have the USB debugging on.
A) You've got to have the phone hooked up to activesync before you boot into Android, or it'll never show up. B) You've got to add the usb_function_switch command to the eclair.user.conf file if it's not there (I can't pull it from my memory right now, search the thread and you should find it). If you do those two things, ADB should work (unless something's busted in the new kernels, which I doubt. It's been working on every kernel I've tried lately.)
Originally Posted by TWiST
For the new 2.1 build do we still use the links on the first page for the rootfs and kernel and all that ?
Those links are still applicable, yes. They point to the newest kernel, initramfs, and rootfs, all of which should work with the 2.1 builds.