Originally Posted by crashdau
Yeah, but it doesn't show 5, 10 3 hours after boot for me. I just don't understand it.
Do you know what files are responsible for the HTC Taskmanager? Is it the same same that governs the email/sms notification function? I'm finding when they stop working the taskmanager icon is gone as well.
I'm thinking if I knew the dll(?) that is in charge maybe I can stop and start it using memmaid.
Ok, I believe I nailed down why the HTC Manager and email/sms notifications stop working for me. I installed DarkNinjaDeisre Tackbar for wm6.5.x(Battery%) and the notifications stopped. Uninstalled it and everything started working again.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a tut for taskbar creation? maybe I can zero in on what mod'd file is giving me agida.