I would
like to use an old xv6700 as a wireless card on my PC so I can use my i910's (samsung omnia) broadband connection to get on the NET.
I have an "unlimited data" package from Verzion...what do I need to do?
I have used the Omina to tether before using PDANET but it would always disconnect. So it was never a really good way to keep connected, I suspect it's an activesync issue and we all know activesync isn't reliable...at least with the tandem of Verizon and my Omnia.
I also want to say that as of right now I have no NET at home due to some issues with the DSL signal and my buildings wiring, so this seemed like a good work-a-round.
I don't own a wireless router! So many dilemma's
But I'd like to share the Omnia's mobile broadband connection via the 6700 via my PC. Can anyone help me out here?