Re: [ Kitchen ] [ 5-4-10 ] RSToyGuy's TMO.US DIY 3.13 / EVK Kitchens
Another 3 hours wasted. I cant for the life of me get a bootable rom.
Got past last error to build the rom again but still wont get past customization.
Tried recmoding that file you suggested rstoyguy but with no success. Also tried recmoding OEM folder.....nothing..
Cleaned up 147 extra files in some modules.
Im gonna go post something in Ervius's kitchen thread see if I can figure something out.
Also by the way rstoyguy I got the 23568 sys and msxipkernel. Dont think thats the issue in my kitchen since it also happens the same with 21889 and 21892. Send me a pm if you want to use that in the EVK thing you got going on right now.