Originally Posted by mrgeoff
I've read that 12 is the default pagepool for Sprint's ROM. I am currently running a 16MB pagepool. It seems to help things out.
If you are used/comfortable to flashing ROMs to your device, you can used the attached file. Before you run the RUU... run the file, select the nbh you are going to flash, choose the pagepool size you want, change to + close, and flash. That is what I am using, I don't like the AS method of pagepool changing. I couldn't get it to work well when I had my Titan.
divxrippimp, as for how to get it above 12mb, you have to alter a roms pp, then flash the new rom to your device. that can be a pain, but comes with benefits too.
the above is the tool im using. your best bet may be to just download blee's kitchen, and take a look at his readme. then you can make your rom a little more customized, plus change the pp.
good luck.