Re: {BiGnAdAd ROM} ⚠New BigCo0kie 23563 ROM Very Fast/Very Clean⚠ ☼Color ROM Coming☼
Originally Posted by amjman
I gotta say, as much as color is in....the B/W is awesome as the battery drain is soooo much less than a color ROM would be-and noticeably so.
Now I last all day long instead of having to swap a battery at 2PMish. Mostly BT headset and under 5 texts a day, but I burn the phone mins up.
Love the BiG stuff-on the MaxManilla cooked in version!
waiting for Maxsense to drop like the other good folks here-glad to see it is taking your time, that means we are close!
yes yes yes!
I don't believe in hypnotism or Color on your home screen draining the battery any faster. Regardless, still looking forward to BIG'S release.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."