Originally Posted by sfld
I got weather on the weather tab, but on the main screen i still cant get it to come up next to the clock? any input guys?
Originally Posted by sfld
Im getting the clouds scrolling all over the screen, but i want the actual weather info right next to the clock like how it is on the ss shot of the FF rom
Originally Posted by sfld
disregard that last post i got it
PLEASE bro...edit your posts instead of posting one sentence after another...it can get quite tedious reading 3 posts in a row with just a sentence or two...also TRIAL and ERROR are good ways to learn things...
Also I am still shocked about people that come to the thread for the first time and don't even read the first page of posts...how can a person go through and just download the ROM without reading instructions on how to flash...then they start posting why is this or that happening...
Mike and his crew have worked hard to upkeep the first page of posts with the best information possible...how some people get through is beyond me...
Sorry just couldn't take all the garble since my last post...hehe