Originally Posted by Deimoss
Hi there everyone, i have something of an idea to change the icons in the phone in Start/Settings/ like the bluetooth icon and Start/Settings/Connections/Wireless LAN.
also while on the same area, what edits can be done to have Microsoft My Phone appear in Start//Settings// next to bluetooth
does the bluetooth and connections icons need a reg key along with the custom icon command?
as for the Microsoft MyPhone, how to edit the mxip_MyPhone_100.provxml to properly move the icon to settings
thanks to anyone who contributes, so we can get ready before Welrope drops these SYS updates
myphone for me is in the ext/shared so you just have to edit the app.dat to
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Settings"):-File("Microsoft My Phone.lnk","\Windows\_Microsoft My Phone.lnk")
that should put it in the settings, if you want it in a specific settings folder, then add that folder after Settings (\Settings\Personal)
as for the icons, welrope has an icons package you can add to the kitchen, then edit the pics if you want something different. you can add .pngs just rename them to the name he uses and it will overwrite his .png.
I only use a couple of different icons, so I made my own.