Whoops this was supposed to be a combined post.
Yep this is incorrect. Don't go into a sprint store, they will tell you they can't help you. Call in to customer service. If they say they can't help you, call back. This isn't a game of "who" will help you, it's who knows the system better. The ones that know the system WILL upgrade you. They WANT you off sero and on to a more expensive plan.
When I wanted the htc hero from best buy the system only showed me eligible for normal prices 69.99 450 minute everything plus data plan. Best buy couldn't help me. Sprint store couldn't help me. Called in and a rep couldn't help me. Called back and she was like, "Uh, OF COURSE I can get you off sero and put you on a higher cost plan. Here's the 59.99 plan w/ 450 minutes! Oh btw, that's only landlines, now calls to all cells are 100% free, technically it's better than SERO, ya dig?" I'm like F.Yeah i dig!
Went to best buy. They have two ways to log in. They couldn't on one. THey did on the other bam, turns the monitor to me to show the Employee referral plus data plan at 59.99 w/500 min. Just like the first link below. (google for email address if you need it.)
Hi Ms. Information, Nice to meet you!
People applied corporate and student discounts to sero. I don't know why you think that they didn't. Just cause one rep said they can't is bologna. Request your corp discount online, through chat, log the whole convo. If it doesn't work, don't get hostile. Close and try again. This one IS dependent on the rep you get cause some just don't like to stack discounts. You are NOT a target customer. [quick edit: sources include my current student discount on eprp referral plan and my friends corp discount with the Tennessean Newspaper]