Re: ║║ ║Windows Phone®║ ║Update Now Available!║
I need a little guidence. I think I missed some posts yseterday concerning the new GTX theme. I've looked back and can't really see the proper procedure to implement GTX 1.7.1. Over at XDA, they make it clear as mud.
1. Which Mighty Rom works with the new GTX?
2. Compressed, Uncompressed, WVGA, VGA?
3. Is there a prefered loading procedure (ie. sense on or off when installing GTX)?
I follow this thread daily (along with the XDA GTX thread), and I just get overwhelmed when it seems like there is 13 post/minute. I took a "lawn mowing" break yesterday, and came back in to be 75 post behind... really hard to keep up with.(lol) It looks like Leanne was experimenting with this, but I got lost in the posting frenzy. Thanks