TP2 not automatically turning off?
Hey all,
My TP2 seems to have a weird problem where it refuses to shut off by itself after being idle. No matter what I change the timeout settings to in Start -> Settings -> System -> Power, the phone will stay on. If I check the Task Manager, nothing is running.
The weird thing is that it seems to obey the screen dim timeout, but not the device shutoff. So even if I set it to dim 30 secs, shut off after 1 minute, 5 minutes later I'll still be looking at a phone that's dimmed but on.
Running stock Sprint 6.5 ROM. Nothing crazy installed - if I look at my list, the only ones that would seem to affect the OS would be:
tarkim Keyboard Controller
HTC Taskmanager
Co0kie's Home Tab
Santod Mods B4all 2.5.2011 TEST1
Q-Mobile TP2 Battery Update Sprint USA
tsowen taskbar
To my knowledge, all of these are stable and have no conflicts. I can provide my complete list of installed apps if that would help diagnose. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!