Originally Posted by Taurus
This seems to be a Sprint PCS community, is there a forum or website equivalent to this forum that deals more with the XV6700 from Verizon?
I noticed that most of the requests (cab removal, Ext ROM tweaking) for Verizon go unanswered.
The uniqueness of this web sight separates it from any other so you are correct there are no other sights like this one just for verison users, accept this one. True there are more Sprint users here than Verison but I don't see the unanswered requests you are refereing to. I would say that the Admin, Mods, and Geeks always try to help anyone from any carrier. There are lots of users from all the carriers here at PPCGeeks and, I speak for all here, on this sight we will help if we can. Thanks for being a Geek with the rest of us, just keep asking the questions and making the requests someone will help. I am sure you could help some of us as well.