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Old 05-01-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: ║║ ║Windows Phone®║ ║Update Now Available!║

Wow - now this was the most bizarre experience!! MM - in case you are interested...

I don't usually do Task 29, or even hard reset after new flash MM -> MM roms. If something goes "weird" fine - I hard reset and all is good. So I updated from Impact to FF. What a nice ROM! No hard reset - all "seemed" just fine. Ran for 24 hrs, BT, email all good...

So this morning I add the registry edit I need to keep BT music from skipping - the file cache settings. Soft reset to get the new cache settings and OMG!! Things just go uber-weird! First - it stalls on "starting HTC Sense"... after a few more tries - it does load. Great - but... it's still stalling on fully starting up... and for starters, it's running a task bar I've never seen! Different icons, different task manager, whaaat?? Then go to text msgs and get this - the messages are all from someone else! Not mine! Don't remember the name... but very strange indeed.

Anyway - force a hard reset, redo my minimal BT, email, active sync for contact/calendar and all up in 10 min. Perfect - No problems. But Mighty... somewhere in that ROM lies other task bar, txt msgs and a host of other stuff that can come up (apparently) if one messes with file cache settings or otherwise gets access to some area of that rom memory. I dunno.... but those txts were not mine or anyone I know - and the task bar was (albeit way nice looking!) not mine or one I've ever seen.

So - I'm not complaining, in fact it was a pretty interesting adventure. But food for thought on what's being cooked in and possibly left in the production ROM as "artifacts" from beta testing or other users' information etc.

Having said all of the above - add me to the list of those who really like 6.5.x, and indeed FF is just SO nice an update to Impact. VERY well done MM! THANKS!