Originally Posted by smaxcom
Thanks for the help guys. I will not be going with a family plan, since I do not trust most of friends or family members to pay me on time each month, lol. So it sounds like the $59.99 new SERO plans is what I will go with. I do qualify for a 25% discount with the company I work for but was never able to get it applied with my classic SERO plan...will it be possible to get it applied to the new SERO plan?
Thanks again!
if you get the discount added to your account before you go to the new sero plan it will automatically roll over. For instance if you're on a regular plan and getting 25% off then somehow you get them to switch your plan (not create a new account, just switch the plan) then the discount will roll over because the discount is tied to the account not the plan. example i was a sprint employee and every employee gets 25% off the bill, when i quit and they changed my plan to the sero plan, i was still getting 25% off my entire bill. Basically get the discount on there before and you're good, once you change to that plan they can't add a discount, unless you have somebody who isn't going by the book on your side.