@jkseger, No problem.
On a different note, I switched from 23563 to 23566 SYS. Testing it out today for stability and other things. So new test might be a little delayed depending on how it goes, as I would like to have the test as close to a finished product as possible. Still mulling over a couple things anyways, so the newer SYS has bought me some time...
On another note, boy am I enjoying the windroid theme I'm working on. It's different in a real good way, once you get used to the new control scheme, and it kinda feels like a new phone. No real solid release date on either of them really. Test will be soon, no later than tomorrow depending on how things go. I still feel like it needs something. The windroid theme will be released when I feel it is solid, it's been awesome so far, but there is still some tweaking, graphic stuff, and maybe a dash of salt or pepper.