Originally Posted by illa87
IM still not getting GPS! I do not know why!, can anyone help me out? I have reinstalled the rom. and still no luck...
Thanks in advance
do these steps...
first, make sure that my location is turned on in phone settings. Download the lasest version of google maps(or one or the gpsstart programs).
Go outside where there are no restrictions. Start up google maps, hit menu, and center on GPS.
Give it anywhere from 2-10 minutes. For some reason the initial cold start takes longer than usual. It WILL pick up satelittes, it just takes a while. The next time u start google maps or live search or whatever program, it should lock on alot faster. You need a minimum of 4 sats to triangulate a position.
I too thought i was the odd one out, but it took my mogul about 8 minutes to get locked on after i upgraded my rom, and this was in an open parking lot..and next thing I know...BAAAM!!! I was locked on to 6 satelittes and havent had any major troubles since..best of luck to you!!!
p.s. i didnt screw around with baud rates etc...I can tell u that gmaps must be configured for com4 though