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Old 05-01-2010, 08:50 AM
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Re: **[4/28/10] V7 WM6.5.5 23562 & V6.2 23554 & 28232 with CHT- Dusk Org'd Menu's

Originally Posted by Creaturecore View Post
Great rom very stable and fast, im currently running 6.2 on sprint. Just 2 problems so far.

1. If i end task on all things running from the quick menu it freezes the phone

2. OZ messenger doesnt seem to work, do you know of a low battery drain aim client that i could use?
1st what programs were running at the time. I have used QM many times to end all task and never had a freeze. WM6.5 is a new OS and some pre 6.5 programs may cause problems. It's hit or miss when using any program make prior to WM6.5. And when I say old, that could be a little as 6 months with the newer builds. So I don't have a clue if that was the case or not.

Originally Posted by bsmoove386 View Post
ok im not sure what happen but for some reason my phone stopped working and this screen popped up saying thank you for using the beta release....please go to the website to update ...????/
If remember correct you were using V7. Did you flash the first day I posted the rom as a beta or have you flashed V7 final. Please give more info to what version, located in the all settings, system menu, the about icon will show what the build # is. Next in system menu there is any icon call device info. Please provide version and date of rom. To best of my knowledge the beta and water marks were remove.
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