Originally Posted by tjELITE
Just my experience...be careful with SPB Backup...although a nice program it can backup files that can cause headaches with updated ROMs...but if it works for you by all means...
Appreciate your concern. I've been using SPB Backup for 5+ years and pretty much know when it will work and when it won't. I also know when and what type of restore to choose: normal, new device, new ROM. It will not work when going from one ROM to a different ROM, or between different OS builds.
In this case, after doing a Task29 I flashed the 021010 ROM, activated my phone @ *228 and then ran the SPB Backup restore (from the 021010 ROM) and ran ActiveSync (have to establish as new device) and everything was cool. Only minor things like Favorite Contacts in SPB Mobile Shell have to be redone.
What works great with SPB Backup is to create folders that contain the ROM install and your last backup on that ROM and you can flash back to it very quickly and effortlessly.