Originally Posted by MrGoodtunes
It also needs to be noted that this so-called 'market share' is about 'requests' as in advertisements! Here's how the OS's stack up in a more generally accepted notion of market share:
So, Android is past Palm in subscriptions, but leads all USA in ads!
Full article here: http://tinyurl.com/yf7n3yh
i read that article and dont believe it, because the one of the other comparison charts that list hand set manufacturers ratings, it doesnt list htc, which i know is the 3rd largest oem of smartphones. also, if apple reallly had 25 percent of the market share they would be in the top 5 of smartphone manufacturers, because apple esentially makes their own phones.
Top Mobile OEMs Total Mobile Subscribers 100.0% (according to this article)
Motorola 24.1%
LG 22.0%
Samsung 21.0%
Nokia 9.3%
RIM 6.4%