Feedback welcome!
All the back end PHP and javascript credit goes to drcrunk@SDX who has done
all the heavy lifting! Plus all the SDX developers for helping out!
Make the stock app removal, root methods and 3rd party custom application installs more beginner friendly by allowing the user through a simple web interface to select the features they want and generate a dynamic and custom file to be applied in recovery mode (boot with vol down + talk + end).
This is my first attempt at this. I think they call it a "kitchen". Consider this an early beta as we gear up for the full Android 2.1 release. Everything here has been tested with Android 2.1 DD10. Not tested with any other versions.
I have four different levels of stock app removal. Standard, Extended and Advanced came from the applications voted on -
Custom ROM - Stock Apps to be Removed - Vote. The Ultimate level is under development and consistently being updated.
The root v7 method has been incorporated.
The recovery 3.0.7 has been added.
3rd Party Application Installs customized by SDX have been added - LiveWallpapers, 3d Galleries and HQ YouTube.
Requirements - Pre Install Instructions:
Install DD03 with recovery 2.1.3
Install DD10 system update
Install Instructions:
This page will generate a custom with only the features selected. Copy this file onto the sdcard in the phone (/sdcard).
Boot into recovery 2.1.3+ (vol down + talk + end) and select Apply zip update.
Please provide your feedback regarding this method and page layout.
Does it work well for you?
What else would you like to see?
Are you able to help/contribute?
Thanks everybody for the support and we're very excited to release this! Thanks again drcrunk@SDX!
Future Plans:
Hopefully soon we can include the dd10 update into this and in the not too distant future, custom kernels.
To Do List:
Add DD10 system update option
Add free 3rd party applications or their settings - (Connectbot, Twidroid, etc)
Android 2.1 custom kernels when available
Boot Animations
Custom Logo.pngs