Originally Posted by Wideawake
I do greatly apologize for the inconvenience everyone was/may have had due to the site going down. It was a error on the hosts fault none of my own. The increased traffic probably is the problem here tho.....
Thanks again,
Mike T.
Originally Posted by code
Yes, I found the problem. Apparently someone here is running a command to
kill any processes you spawn. I killed the command and your sites came
back up, however so did the load on the server. Your sites are using too
many resources in a shared environment. Have you installed any new
addons/plugins recently, or entered into a new traffic campaign for your
I can't re-enable your sites until we can get your applications under
control. Have you considered moving to a PS system?
OK so what was the outcome and solution?
Its great 2 see this site back up I was having withdral symptoms not being able to connect the Geek-matrix.