Originally Posted by beathookup
Any ideas of when these new ROM's will be releasing? I've been helping BiG with his Cookie ROM and no update in a while and I'm feeling the need to flash something different.
Um......well being that you have been a member of this site since 2009...You should already know that Mike does not give release dates, nor does anyone on this site know when or if the ROM will be dropping sooner or later. So there is never an ETA. So the best advice anyone can give you about Mikes ROMs is...."Patience is a virtue."
Read a book or something. That should buy you some time with your "Flash-A-Holic @$$"
" Dont worry I go to FA meetings too. I think most of us here do. Darren is the Sponsor of it.
Edit: The man above me beat me to the punch!! So that makes two of us with the same advice....now how much you wanna bet before its released some jack@$$ is going to ask it again?? So lets make that 1,001 times!!