Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
if your a "of" fan youll really like se imo.
Ok so how many new ROMs are coming out?? What are the names?? All I know is STD, HIV, AIDs, FBI, CIA, ER, and what are the other ones?? Seriously tho what are they and what are the real names for them? All I know is Full Force (FF).
Originally Posted by rileyd5
Its a tough one for sure. Like the finger friendly com5 sys as well. OF has been amazing for me today. absolutely no issues. Thanks Mike! I am curious as well to see what SE will bring to the table.
Hey there's an idea for a tag line "MR Full Force, it's Finger Friendly Good!"

Dude seriously?? That is hilarious!! "Its finger friendly good?" You guys have too much free time on your hands! Who thinks of stuff like this??