Originally Posted by jake1110
I'm not a regular poster here, but I can tell you that family plans are the best. If you have any friends or family, go in together and you can get a very cheap EPRP plan. 1600 mins plus unlimited data, texts, anytime anymobile for 4 lines comes out to be $35 per line. Five lines would be $31 per line(only a $1 more than SERO!!). That's exactly what I plan on doing. If your company email can get you a good discount(ie 21-23%), skip the EPRP because you can't add employer discounts to those plans.
Good luck!
I agree 100%, if you can get the family plan, that's the cheapest out of all of them in the long run. Also, family plan + corp/business discount nets even cheaper but for only 1500 minutes. If you don't have the people for a family plan, then go to the "new sero" plan for sprint employees, which is 500 minutes, unlimited everything + nights at 7pm for 59.99, if you have that 20-25% discount for corp/business, it's $55 for 450 minutes instead.
One caveat, I do know two people who convinced account services to give them $20 off recurring for 24 months when they upgraded from their old SERO to the "new" SERO 500 minutes plan. I don't know how they convinced the rep, but they did.