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Old 04-30-2010, 04:13 AM
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Re: For those experiencing the "failure to wake" issue...

I posted about this problem over at XDA, there is a correlation with the weather, facebook, and twitter. What the correlation is I dont know, but one of the problems I can tell you I noticed is When the weather changes to Rain, and the today screen has alot going on, with rain, the wiper blade, and what not, it seems the screen goes black, and wont wake up. But the Rain animation does have a part to play in it along with your memory running low. It seems it goes into like a infinite loop, or crawls to where it wont wake up, but you dont have to take the battery out, you can hit the reset button on the side under the cover to reset it. But the weather definitely plays a part in it, search for the thread in XDA that was posted by me.
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