Originally Posted by AZTECA
How would you explain three hard resets..... Yes... HARD RESETS back to back and then the problem being there instantaniously... As soon as the reset was done... I pressed the power button and no wake up.
Each and every time you pressed the power off you had to soft reset to get it back on.
I took it to Sprint with a fresh hard reset... NO cabs installed... NONE.
Sprint replaced my phone and I have had NO problems. It's been like a month now.
glad to hear your replacement is working!

wish i could duplicate it at will so i could show sprint. anyway, after yet anotehr hard reset, i the reflashed the stock 6.5, did another hard reset...so far it wakes everytime. and now it seems to wake instantly where before it wold take a second, or two...or not wake. so far so good though