Originally Posted by toddpedersen
I just wanted to let you know that the link you provided, while it does give yo access to download that file, it completely crashed my WORK laptop (i guess I should know better using it) It was infected with 36 Trojans/Spyware items that Malwarebytes found, but the sophistication of the spyware, closed my Malwarebytes before I could clean them out and now every program that I try to open is blocked because of the spyware.
Hopefully my IT guys can fix it quickly.
Not saying you intentionally did anyhting, but please do not give that link out to anyone you like!
Whoa! So sorry that happened...I took the link right from the Radio collection thread...same link I downloaded from. I would never give anyone a bad link! Hope everything gets worked out.
I really hate those download site, kinda makes me wonder why we don't torrent these things...I know Mike doesn't do it to track his stuff, but I would think the radios would have enough users to support a torrent