Originally Posted by majorassface
I'm running 8.1, it's great. iI tried installing the 1%battery and it totally drains the battery, also when i check in BattMon, when cahrging I'm only getting about 89mA, not even enough to charge the phone as the drain is around 282mA. Do you have another 1% battery driver?? Also what about fast charge? One last thing I installed the stop flip clock 1:02 fix and it just locked up the numbers, is this because it's CFC?
I installed nuebattery and it seems to have fixed the charging issue and has added fast charge. Still wonderign about the clock fix, thanks!
Spoke too soon, nuebattery is not making any difference other than adding fast charge for about a minute then it's down to 2% charge. Any suggetions?
As far as I know that 1% battery should work just fine. I use it sometimes, and some of other users use it as well. Not sure why it wont like yours. Did you uninstall my version and reinstall a different one?
Originally Posted by Viper786
Lol im still running your rom.. but V8... I figured i'd rather wait an extra day or two for V9 instead of flashing 8.1 only to re-flash a few days later
Its ok, I was just giving you hard time. V9 will probably be here tomorrow!
Originally Posted by 2002wrex
well beyond my skillset. i was hoping it would just be something simple (like extacting and moving to the appropriate folder in s2u2), so i guess i'll just have to live with what i've got.
I will get you the thread where it shows how to do it.