Originally Posted by drdrewdown
cant we just chalk it up to an ID10T or user error? i mean seriously a bad flash wouldn't allow the device to even function in the slightest bit.
i would say maybe some of these people are flashing "dumped" roms vs shipped roms when they do the dance, which in theory does absolutely nothing for you, leavin you with many issues.
i will agree on the SD card thing sorta, but its a long shot in my opinion that you wouldn't notice the effects of corrupt items on the sd card prior to flashing.
if you want, pull the battery in the middle of the flash & see what happens. now thats a "bad flash". i think we should stop blaming a bad flash when in reality its probably b/c they aren't doing the process 100% right.
not trying to call you out winmo, i hope you know i/we all appreciate what you bring to the community, but instead i think we should direct people toward what really could be their issue. i just dont believe this whole bad flash thing would result in the experiences they are describing.
just my $0.02 hope you aren't offended winmo, we all luv ya!
/me runs & hides now =]
LOL! No reason to run Bruddah

We all are entitled to our opinions.
I will respectfully disagree with your definition of a bad flash.
"wouldn't allow the device to function in the slightest bit"
IMO a bad flash can FUBAR the device or just cause weird quirks that no one else is seeing. I have, without a doubt, flashed a ROM, had it run 95% correct, then once the malfunctioning 5% was discovered I fixed it by the Dance. Maybe it wasn't the flash, maybe something else but I call that a bad flash.
My post was based simply on someone not having root ROM run as solid as we all know it does, wasn't getting into their specific issues. My "fix" was a blanket one, basically telling them to start over.
You're right though, if someone isnt doing the steps correctly, starting over wont help.
In this case, it sounds like an experienced flasher to me.