Originally Posted by toddpedersen
There was a CAB given for fixing the Click X to Close that is supposed to work on this ROM. I have not tried or tested.
Originally Posted by Wesley762
I tried the AMeBa_v07.1b.cab but it broke the start button cab. I did how ever open and close several programs and seems to work. got to do some more testing with it but looks promising.
Edit: I take that back, it did not break the start button its just a tap and hold. the start button works.
This cab works really well making the X button close the applications, More info on it is at the link above so far it has closed all the programs I have opened and does not seem to be very memory intensive.
Originally Posted by jshaas2
yes, there was a link to and XDA cab yesterday. I don't think it's been proven on "this side", and if anyone has experience with it, please post.
If not, that's still just one of the small things with 6.5.x that is a little pesky.
Here is the post I made with the link to the program and the cab attached, I have been using it since yesterday and works great. no issues with it at all yet, and is easy on the memory.