On exchange, I don't think the cost difference is worth it, but if you can hold out wait the rest of your 30 exchange days see how you like the Droid, and by then the cost of the Incredible should come down a little.
(update) Yup 99$ @ amazon all ready lol
(bah jumped back to 150$)
I love the look on the HTC Incredible. Also Since I've destroyed a Droid all ready (broke the screen) I'd get the incredible just for the OLED (since oled don't shatter; If i break this one I'm upgrading to the best OLED available and taking my fathers upgrade lol).
But both phone's are great, Another thing about the Incredible, is developer wise a lot of the better developers are invested in the Droid or Nexus one, So getting rom's and kernal updates might be a little slower over all. (see how the eris got left in the dust It has one 2.1 stock rom and a really getto root lol)