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Old 04-29-2010, 12:59 AM
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Re: possible military based themes

Originally Posted by thewahlrus View Post
Yeah, I did one and it was hard to get them line up. The problem with these is they're all the same size and shape so they really stick out when they are off even the tiniest bit. Most were fine but a few were not. I feel like I'm holding this up, because I haven't had any time to work on this lately. I'm going to attach the .pngs and manila files. Maybe you can finish this so everyone's not waiting on me.

I'll continue to work on this, but i might not get it for another week or so and I bet you can knock it out before then. Or anyone who wants to tackle this for that matter.
Thanks for all the hard work. You did a better job with the icons than I would have. I'll get the slider all lined up. Check back tomorrow night for the finished product!

EDIT: thewalrus has worked hard to make this happen. Please find as many threads of his as you can and start spamming the thanks button. There is a limit to how many you can do in a day so keep at it and lets give him a boost towards VIP! He deserves it! I won't release the slider until I see his rep go up a few hundred!

Last edited by Scenemaker; 04-29-2010 at 01:01 AM.
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