Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration
I know it's been a while,but im still using Opera browser 9.5
like others have said, ive had too many lock ups and rendering errors on 9.7 that i went back. Opera 10 is not to my taste yet, and Mini5 is fast,but the rendering engine is limited.
that said, How do you set, the default number of tabs available to be opened at a time in - Opera 9.5 in the kitchen( i know from within the program itself on the phone)
Manila Question: I forgot where it is to set for Manila(Sense) to auto download the weather and location info for the Home Tab, automatically. Last few builds I just click "enable location" and agree to the google agreement, but it used to always just download it. Should i just revert the manila 1324 engine?
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