Originally Posted by kkryter
I will second and even third the vote for a new ROM from SKI with the Cookie mod and other latest and greatest stuff. Just think of it as your swan song SKI, your masterpiece to go out on...lol, I'll say about anything if I thought it would convince you to do it!
On a separate note, does anybody know if it's possible to increase the number of entries you can have on your 'People' tab in Sense 2.5? Right now it's 15 I believe, but I would like the ability to have more. I've searched high and low but haven't found anything yet, so perhaps somebody else can clue me in? Thanks in advance!
There was a mod over at xda that decreased the size of the pics which gave you all 15 on the same page. He was working on increasing the number but last I read was having issues. That was about a week ago.
Originally Posted by kpbuton
I will place my vote for an additional ROM with CoOkie and newest/best apps. I can't see going to another ROM and enjoy the use of SKI...
Cheers Mate!
All right guys, I should have a real nice 23563 build tomorrow to cook up. Thanks to Welrope. I am running it on my TP2 and it's really nice. Fast and good battery life. I think I will have two versions of this ROM. One with Co0kie 1.7.1 and one without. They will be the same ROM otherwise. That way if Co0kie updates his mod you can grab the plain one and install via CAB. Updating Co0kie when cooked in is not advisable.
Tell your friends.....
When will it be out? When it gets the Winmo stamp of approval of course.