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Old 04-28-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Okay, so I've been running the Plain 1.8 ROM for a few days now. A solid and stable ROM. Initially I was a little turned off by the darkening of a few of the skins but that's grown on me and I'm thinking of making this my permanent Imagio solution.

One thing I am dealing with I want to bring to Ab's attention and see if any of you are having a similar experiece is the ROm does feel a bit laggy. All functions do work perfectly but even after a soft reset, maneuvering between tabs and executing some functions does lag notably. My comparison point is the VZW stock ROMs. I've jumped in and out some of the custom ROMs over the weeks but I keep going back to the stock ROMs because I just look at them as being more reliable and more responsive.

My going in position is that and 2.5 ROM will be more resource intensive than a 2.0 ROM. I get that and in fact, my resource usage for the PLain 1.8 rarely climbs above 70%. Even still, for me it's laggy - today it caused me to place a few unintended calls and delete a few items unintentionally.

My intent isn't to log a complait. In fact, I like this ROM enough that I'm determined to make it work for me. I just wanted to put this on the table and see if any of you are having a similar experience. Anyone else seeing some unwanted lag? Anyone having better luck with a new D3D driver (I've played with AtomEng's with no noticable improvement)? Anyone rolling in other perfomrance tweaks and seeing an improvement (I've applied most of the 2.0 tweaks - even installed TweakHD at one point and used it to adjust some settings)?

I appreciate everything Ab's done and how responsive he's been the past few weeks to my and other's feedback and requests. Just wnat to know what else I might be able to do improve a little on Ab's hard work.
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