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Old 04-28-2010, 06:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - Mar 26 2

Originally Posted by money711 View Post
Hey have anyone been able to receive video mms? I just tested three and was not able to receive anything but a message saying who it is from and i can see the size of the message in the all messages screen.

Also when trying to reply to the message it shows as if i am trying to reply to a email message.

This has never happened in the past anyone knows what is going on?
Yeah I can not receive either. I *think* it has to do with the Album version used but no one else is asking so either it's just you and me or no one else tries to receive videos. I'll try and test some stuff and post up if I fix it.

Originally Posted by somemorestuff View Post
Thanks for the tips - yeah I'm probably pushing it with my 1500+ texts (every single one since I got the phone back in '08 -- Hey, there's some good S--- in there! )

I sorta had the same problem with my 3 email accounts. I set it to download everything (except attachments). 3500+ emails later it was still running great, until I had to reset... it took over 15 minutes to boot back up! Why don't they have a 60 or 90 day option on email????
Dude, those #'s are nutso.
Even if there's "good spit in there" all 1500 (!) cant be worth saving.
I use my phone to read my email on the go but store everything online and/or on the lappy. I txt moderately but dont save a thing. I'd try clearing out the glut, I'm sure you'd see better performance.
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