Originally Posted by reprod
I dont believe that Mighty intentionally left it out. I believe this may have been left out of these builds of HTC Sense 2.5. More specifically the most recent 2012 build from Sprints OEM roms....
Someone let me know if I am wrong here.
That screenshot is from Energy's 23563 rom with Manila 2.5.20121225 - so maybe it is not in the 2012 builds by default, but it can apparently be added if it isn't already there. Or maybe it has nothing to do with the manila build? Maybe it is something else? Cuz even if I disable sense I can still bring up this same screen by going to Start > Settings > Personal > Input. Seems that if it were a Sense only app it wouldn't be accessible without Sense actually running. But maybe I have it all wrong.
Just verified it is not in the latest stock Sprint rom either...