Originally Posted by zone23
Here is another way:
Take the .tsk rename it to .cab. open the cab in WinCE CAB Manager replace the stwater_480_800.jpg with whatever jpg you want (make sure you jpg is the right size). Then change the other stwater_800_480. jpg to whatever you want. Save as a cab the rename back to .tsk and call it say zone_blue.tsk. Next I create a folder called "Theme - Zone Blue" it could be called anything. This file would go in your EXT folder and of course set as true. Inside i I have a bunch of PNG, manila, and BMP files that change around the graphics. I placed a manila.txt file in the folder with "TSK: \Windows\zone_blue.tsk" as the contents. Place the zone_blue.tsk in the folder and thats it when I flash I get the images a backgrounds. I can also change the tsk around anyway I choose.
I'm thinking I messed up. Sorry. The files I changed were the 2 stwater.jpgs in the .tsk Thanks Zone23 for clearing up the mud LOL. I took the lazy route and just edited Calks so I could move on to other edits.