Originally Posted by ThreeFaces
Hey dudes - a quickie on BSOD.
I've been getting random BSOD since we all started flashing Sense from TouchFlo. It used to be much worse than it has been more recently, but every now and again I'll find my phone is "blacked out" and unresponsive [reuiqres a soft reset]. I do run Lumos - the same config I've always run on every ROM. Taking it off in the past has never made a difference [I've gotten BSOD with or without]. I also never put the phone in my pocket or in a holster. It's cradled mostly or on the table in front of me.
My guess on the whole BSOD thing is that it's the software taking its toll on our underpowered devices. This would explain why it's different from one user to the next, with some never experiencing it. ...but that's just a guess.
All in all, a glorious ROM.
Thanks Three! You could be right. Its not the first time I have gotten them in a ROM. Come to think of it... when I was not getting it was when I was on SlimRoot so you might have something there with the performance issue. Maybe some combination of how many apps installed that run in the background can cause it. Then its possible that Lumus had nothing to do with it directly, but removing Lumus may have put me under the magical threshold of background running apps that might trigger the BSOD. That certainly seems to make sense as when I first started noticing this I remember uninstalling various apps and noting that I could go long periods of time and not get a reoccurance which would then lead me to believe that it was ok.. then I would start reinstalling apps one by one and waiting a good bit between installs to see if one of the installs triggered the problem. Now if its a combination of these apps running in the background and/or apps with processes running I could see why this would appear so random and different per user.