Originally Posted by Cobaltikus
Question for MM or Beta Testers
The last official mightyrom is missing the Touch Input Setting that toggles the registry key HKLM\Software\HTC\ezsip\VibrationEnabled, and the registry key isn't even there - I added it manually and set it to 0 to turn off the Vibration when typing a key on the sip, but will it be included in the Settings app in the next release?
Toddpedersen showed me where it was in the HTC Sense settings Personalize, but I have been using SPBMS instead so Sense doesn't work which explains why I couldn't find it. If the Touch Input Settings are still missing the Vibrate toggle, is there at least another way to get to the Vibration option without going through the Sense Settings Personalize (or editing the registry myself)?
If you go to the Settings Tab> Personalize> Vibration you can get rid of the vibration. It disables all the vibration for applications though.