Originally Posted by tjELITE
Basically he didn't want people sharing the download or the release date...not that the beta testers know the date...hehe...but that is sacred info...if peeps can't keep there mouth shut they shouldn't be aloud to enjoy Mikes ROM
Thank you...I will look into it once I have some time on my hands...I think youngpro83 was looking for a white dialer long time ago and I have most of that figured out so it shouldn't be long and I will get it put together...the buttons will probably be the worst because the numbers...but like I said I do it for the love of the ROM and peeps like me...
Not to step over Mike if I am or not, but I would like to say yes to the question you have as the same dll files for the dialer are there and I think purian stated everything else as far as dll files remains the same...but that just coming from me so I don't know...
Well off to work I go at 2:15 in the morn...
I have the rm, but broke it about half an hour ago to non-bootable state...
+i haz ff, not official.