Originally Posted by bobram
Yeah easiest way would be to flash stock, activate from there.
Yes there is a way to manually add the info into the phone. You'll need your phone's MSL code and then you'll need to goto the Phone Codes folder and open up PST.
Thanks for the info Bobram! I ended up installing the stock rom and then using the update something in the settings and that got my phone to work. I then flashed NFSFAN's rom.
Anyone point me to where I can read more about that Phone Codes Folder?
Also has anyone noticed that with this ROM if you tip the phone like forward it hangs the call up? I know I read about that being a feature somewhere at xda but I can't find away to edit this feature. Today I must have hung up the phone like 4 times talking to someone while on speaker.
What is this timebomb thing about? This would royally suck.