Originally Posted by timetraveler
can you share the app i really would like to see if helps me out with me going to the com mgr all the time to manually turn the data con- off
sure, glad to share it.
there are 2 attached mortscripts. one is a menu that presents toggling of blue tooth, wifi and turning off the data connection.
the first 2 options run programs in the windows directory that come with the operating system. the data connection toggler runs another mortscript.
SO, you can run the menu, select turn off data OR you can just run the turn off data directly.
i have the menu script associated with the left soft key (where it says ACTION by default).
you can do the same by editing (tools -> registry editor) 2 keys:
HomeLSKPath = "the full directory path and file name"
HomeLSKText = "Toggle!" (that's what i called it.)