Originally Posted by rhyme187
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
can u please make me a red talk button version of your dialer v3 im sure many of us red theme fans would love it since Purian is still workin on releasin slap a hoe red in da future TIA
Originally Posted by Soulmatic
isnt slapahoe red, the name of lil rico's theme?
Your correct it is lil rico's theme, but purian has taken the reins as the official theme guru...
As for the dialer yeah sure, I should be able to do it no problem...the question is do you just want the talk button changed? When I get a little time off from work I will throw it together...
Also thanks to all my helpers my phone is back on...it was on stock all but 30 seconds....hahaha
As another side off topic note...as I consider you guys like that cousin that your cool enough to hang with at a family gathering but when your with your friends its like umm who are you...hehe nah just messing...but I just became the proud owner of a Mini Chopper bike...it kicks ass...when I get a chance I will post pics...
Smurf you guys l8r