Re: Sprint Hero 2.1 Update Pushed Back Until June?
WTF..meanwhile 2.1 is old news to google,now we gotta hear about how 2.2 is almost done got flash etc. now we gotta wit for the the almost old & at this point the only way some can get 2.1 is they flash a cook rom...this is total BS if it's so hard to port this is it so easy for everyone else to port it .XDA gets busy at porting diffrent versions of this rom. Sprint is really killing me instead of updated ...there gonna advise the newer phone ,mind you no telling how much "4G" is gonna cost extra & who knows ...maybe they'll pull a VZW too & kill the N1 lauch altoghter. Sorry PPL ...this is stuff that grinds my gears!
Dolla DP
Phones I've Ownd, Treo 600, Samung Blade, Treo 650, PPC 6700, Mogul, Touch Pro, HTC Hero,HTC EVO 4G